Sunday, April 15, 2007

Love making.... !! or ??

That's what it says,
on the entrance of Cafe Ritazza.
Waiting for a toasted sandwich,
I ponder,
is there any other emotion,
as driving as love making?
That which elates, heightens,
brings such a sudden surge.
The thoughts of which lingers on,
as the days pass by.
What makes love making,
so overpowering, all encompassing?
Some lives are so driven by him.
Yet others long to be with him.

You tell me S.
Is it the love making,
that brings us
together again and again,
or is it him,
that will break us apart?


Prash said...

Interesting point of view...

how are you, honey ?

Purple Momentz said...

interesting thoughts on love ... do u wonder why there are no answers to any of these??